All our courses are accredited by Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU)
The Counsellor’s Consortium offers courses that enable the trainers on a personal journey and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Without a personal relationship with Jesus and intimacy with the Holy Spirit, the courses will be an intellectual exercise without the manifest power and presence of God. TCC also believes in the power of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST above the knowledge of psychology, psychiatry, social work and theology and seeks to bring all knowledge subject to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in counselling. Therefore, these courses are not about integration, but about subjecting all that you know and have learnt to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ – so that He may be glorified above all!
There are two modules to every certificate course.
Foundational: Holy Spirit Led Counselling module which is mandatory and forms a base for every course.
Specialized: The second part is based on specific issues and pathology and counselling relevant to each course.
Eligibility (Who will benefit?)
Therefore, this course will be beneficial to….
(a) Applicants who have a deep hunger and thirst for God and the things of God.
(b) Applicants who believe the ‘WORD OF GOD’ as the “TRUTH”, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
(c) Applicants who believe the “ANOINTING” – “HOLY SPIRIT UPON US”, for setting captives free and opening prison doors.
(d) Applicants who have been born again…. Know ‘JESUS’ personally.
(e) Applicants who feel that they are called into the ministry of counselling.
Medium of the course
The course can be taken in English (and to be expanded over time into other languages based on expressed need.) Accreditation and Credits All our certificate and Diploma courses are accredited by the Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, India.

Admission Criteria
• Candidates should have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for all our courses.
• In addition, candidates are expected to have good proficiency in spoken and written language of the medium of the course.
• Necessary motivation and passion to complete the course.
Application procedure
Applicants who are willing to take the course should apply online.
The application will be screened for eligibility and *admission confirmed before the start of the course.
*TCC reserves the right of admission of an applicant to the course applied for.
1. Documents needed:
a. 4 passport photos (scanned and physical)
b. Degree certificate (scanned and physical)
c. Aadhar card copy (scanned)
d. Application form (virtual – provided by TCC).
Please mail the physical documents (copy of degree certificate + 4 passport photos) to our office at: The Admin Officer THE COUNSELLOR’S CONSORTIUM No. 1008, 7th Street, 4th Main Road Mogappair Eri Scheme Chennai – 600037, TN
2. A one-page letter of motivation (soft copy to our mail id) :
A brief about yourself with mention of your family, personal and work/ministry experiences, your belief, and value system.
What we expect from your motivation letter:
Please indicate in your motivation letter why you want to take up this specific course, what you expect to learn and how you will apply your newly gained competencies from the course in your work/ministry, what kind of benefits will it bring to your future career/ministry, etc. Your personal encounter or relationship with God. Describe a relevant problem you have experienced in the last two years that you would like to discuss during this specific course. Your motivation should be about one page.

Diploma in Counselling
Those who are enrolled for Diploma in Counselling will need to complete all the 3 certificate courses along with the foundational mandatory course with its assignments.
They must complete the following projects.
Mini Thesis – 6 to 10 Pages (Topics relevant to HSLC)
Presentation on thesis (20 minutes + Panel discussion)
Field Visit (3 to 5 visits): 15 hours observation
A. 2 days at school
B. 2 days observation at hospital
Case studies – minimum 2